Open Consent Text

Version: 2.0
Updated Date: July 8, 2021

I hereby accept, approve and declare that I am duly informed and clarified by means of the texts Personal Data Protection Policy, Protection and Processing of Personal Data General Clarification Text, Cookies Policy and Privacy Policy located on about data collecting and processing in accordance with the related legislation provisions; and that my open consent is not a prerequisite for providing me a product or service; that I am clearly and frankly informed about all aspects of data processing; that I understand for which purpose my personal data will be used and I have read and understood the texts about the related policy.

In this context, according to the texts which are llocated on, Protection of Personal Data, Clarification Text, Cookies Policy and Privacy Policy that ODTÜ Geliştirme Vakfı Bilgi Teknolojileri San. Ve Tic. A.Ş. (“Company”) is data controller may automatically, semi-automatically or manually make transactions on my data within the scope of Law on The Protection of Personal Data no: 6698 (“KVKK”) such as; to acquire, record, store, preserve, change, rearrange, explain, transfer, take over, enable, categorize and prevent the usage of my personal data as a part of a data registration system; to transact some or all of these actions by means of a data controller assigned by the Company and to share my data with third parties which are related public institutions and solution partners as a necessity of business relationship when required in Turkey and / or abroad, companies that partner as required activities and / or services received from third parties and related public institutions and organizations directly and / or be shared indirectly I allow my own free will. I accept that the responsibilities arising from all intermediary transactions, such as transfers between accounts, that I made as a Panel Officer, belong to me.