To submit a report of illegal activity or abuse related to a domain name registered through METUnic, please choose the most convenient method from the following:
telephone: +90-312-9096628
post: ODTÜ GV Bilgi Teknolojileri San. Ve Tic. A.Ş. (METUnic) ODTÜ Teknokent Gümüş Blok No:29 Çankaya/ANKARA
In order to quickly and efficiently investigate your complaint, please provide all necessary information in your report:
- your full name and contact information
- a domain name involved in illegal activity or abuse
- a detailed description of the infringement
After the investigation is finished, we will inform you immediately. We aim to reply to every complaint we receive via email or post.
You can access the Procedure for Receiving, Handling, and Tracking of Abuse Reports by clicking here.