Search Domain Name

Enter the ".tr" domain that you want to register for in the domain name search field.

Add to basket, Checkout

Add the domain you register to the basket and complete the payment.

Start Using Your Domain

You can start using your .tr domain name without documents and waiting!

Frequently Asked Questions

“.TR” domains are domain names that don’t contain other extensions like “com, org, net,” and end with the country code “.TR.” These domain names in the format “example.tr” are preferred for their shorter length, which makes them easier to remember.

1 year ‘.TR’ registration is priced at 240₺+ VAT. There is no other service fee or additional fee.

You can register your .TR extension domain name for a maximum of five (5) years.

You can start using your domain name immediately after payment without waiting.

A “.TR” domain emphasizes your brand’s presence in Turkey, enhancing reliability and prestige. It allows you to create shorter and easier-to-remember domain names, making it easier for visitors to find and share your site. If you’re expanding into global markets, the “.TR” domain, representing Turkey’s country code, provides a strong foundation.