URL forwarding is the forwarding of a domain name or a page of a domain name to another domain name or page of a domain name. For example, you can redirect a domainname.com.tr domain name to a domainname.com. In this way, when someone enters to domainname.com.tr domain name, the website of domainname.com will be displayed.

1. Log in to your METUnic account with your e-mail and password.
2. Click the “URL Redirecting” button on the right side of your domain name under “My Domain Names” section.

“Redirected URLs” page will be displayed as in the image above. Please, read the information below before beginning configuration.

1: Make a selection for redirected domain name: http://, https://, ftp:// http:// is automatically selected and you may change it.
* Enter a subdomain if you are redirecting a subdomain to a different domain name. You should skip this field if you do not redirect a subdomain.
In the box number 2 is the list of the redirecting services you are provided and should choose from the pull-down menu.
3: Make a selection for target domain name: http://, https://, ftp:// http:// is automatically selected and you may change it.
4: Enter the target domain name. There is no special condition for this address, you can enter any address.

For example, in order to redirect subdomain.newdomainname.com.tr to domainname.com you should follow the steps below:
Make a selection in the field number 1 (e.g. http://).
Enter the subdomain name in the field * (e.g. subdomain). When redirecting a domain name this field should be empty.
Enter the domain name to be directed in the field number 2 (e.g. newdomainname.com.tr)
Make a selection in the field number 3 (e.g. http://).
Enter the target domain name for redirecting of the first domain name (e.g. domainname.com)
Click “Save” button to record the changes.
Yukarıda yer alan bilgiler örnek olması amacıyla verilmiş olup kendi alanadı bilgilerinize göre belirtilen alanlara bilgi girişi yapmalısınız.

The information given above are set as an example and you should enter your own domain name information into the related boxes.
When you fill in the boxes, all fields should be displayed in green. If the fields are displayed with a red frame, URL format is not valid.
When you click on the “Save” button, if the process is successful, “Redirecting configuration is successfully saved” will be displayed on the screen.

When redirecting configuration is completed, redirecting record will be displayed in the bottom of the page as it is in the image.
You can click on the “Edit” button to correct your faulty records.
You can click on the downwards arrow and then “Delete” button to delete your faulty records.

URL validation is done for subdomain name, service selecting and redirected domain name fields (, 2 and 4). Valid format is belows:
  • Every tag should be composed of 1-63 digits. It is possible this way: subdomain=63 + domain name=63
  • If there are no subdomains, only domain name may be composed of 63 digits.
  • Alphanumeric characters may be used. (e.g. 0-9, A-Z)
  • Phrases may start and end with numbers.
  • Phrases may include – (dash) but they may not start and end with – (dash).
  • Characters other than . (dot) and – (dash) cannot be used.
  • An URL can only be redirected once.
  • When there is an active abc.com.tr→test1.com redirecting, it is not possible to configure abc.com.tr→test2.com redirecting.
  • If you try to record a redirecting for an already redirect URL, system gives error and does not record it.
301 redirecting is permanent URL redirecting. For example,if you go to an URL from another, bind the sites together or make changes not aimed to be retrieved 301 redirecting will work. Recommended for SEO.
302 redirecting is temporary redirecting. Redirecting you have configured is accepted as a temporary change and not recorded.
METUnic does not provide such redirecting services yet. These services are planned to be provided together with the hosting services.
URL redirecting service will not continue when the service period ends.
METUnic provides you with free URL redirecting service.
If there are no A records for the forwarded domain name, it will be activated after the registration and distribution of DNS records.
You can use it by registering a CNAME record.